Quilling and Other Fun Paper Things
Feel free to use my designs as gifts or for your own personal use. And I’d love any sharing of my photos and projects! All I ask is that all photos remain unaltered and link back to the original post, and please do not attempt to sell any quilling created from my designs as your own work. Happy Crafting!
Thanks! This is exactly what I needed, esp. since I will be in my first craft fair!
Awesome, Erin! Good luck with your show!
Thank you a million times over for sharing this.
what is the best paper weight to use for quilling
A lot of the answer about weight comes with personal preference. But usually, a heavier weight is best for on-edge work and outlines, and the thinner sheets coil easier. But some prefer the heavier paper for their entire piece. I would say wether you cut your own strips or buy pre-made, you should experiment with different weights and see what works best in your hands and on your projects. Best of luck, Linda!
Hello-I absolutely love your work. I am a novice quiller but I feel like I’m getting better all the time. I have two questions that I hope you can help me with.
1. Is there a way to get quilled circles that have already been glued down off of a mat?
2. I had a project that used pastel chalk. The chalk didn’t stick at all to the quilled shape when I used a brush, my finger or Q-tip. Any suggestions on a good chalk?
Thank you so much.
Mary P.
Hi Mary! So glad you’ve found my site. First off, it’s going to be pretty difficult to remove your coil from a mat board. You could try sliding a craft knife underneath to loosen it, but chances are it’s going to hold tight or completely warp in the process. On thinner paper like card stock, you may be able to cut around your shapes and remount them with the card stock still attached onto another surface, but usually, I just redo the coils. It’s the easiest way.
For your second question, I like Faber Castell pastels because they’re inexpensive but vibrant. Have you tried rubbing your pastel against something to make a dust and applying it that way? Without knowing the project, its just a thought.
I appreciate it. Thank you.
Hello, you have inspired me to give this craft a try. I have always loved the results people get, beautiful pieces. So I will be watching all you videos, youtube, and reading all your blogs. Thank you so much.