As a small craft business owner, I get a lot of emails.
I am often sent custom order inquiries, requests for donations, and, of course, my fair share of spam.
Mostly, it is everyday, run-of-the-mill business-y stuff.
Β So, imagine my surprise when in October of last year, an editor from Better Holmes & Gardens contacted me though my Etsy shop. She asked if I would be willing to send one of my hot pink quilling paper Christmas ornaments to their office in Des Moines, along with a written tutorial to possibly be featured in the 2016 Holiday Craft issue.
I was in shock!
After some quick googling to make sure I wasn’t being set up for some type of quilling scam operation, I sent back a big “absolutely”! A big happy dance around the kitchen followed.
Now, almost a year later, the holiday craft issue is on the stands. I’m over the moon!

The editors at BH&G photographed my hot pink quilling paper Christmas ornament as part of the “Celebrate the season” section of the magazine.
It looks pretty amazing!
Plus, my instructions to make your own are a few pages back.

I’m so excited that one of my tutorials can reach such a massive audience.
Now, this ornament is one of my more time-consuming designs, but for the die-hard quiller, I’m happy to share. And for those who would like one of their own with fewer steps, I’ve got plenty.
This year, I’ve added a few new color combos to my quilling paper Christmas ornaments!

If you’ve picked up the Better Holmes and Gardens Holiday Craft issue and you have any questions about the ornament tutorial, ask away!
And for those who are looking to buy a unique holiday bauble for yourself or a loved one, I have some listed now!
Check out this year’s line in my Etsy shop today! Quantities are fairly limited.
super late in the game!.. They look super! …. And … do you have tutorial you could share for the hot pink Christmas ornaments, or is it now that you are selling them? I can’t seem to find tutorial on this site, nor can I find a copy BHG Crafts 2016 magazine. Hope you can help. Your posts are wonderful, and inspiring!. Thanks so much.
Thank you for the compliment! I have not made an additional tutorial for these ornaments once they were in the magazine. And I am not selling any quilling at this point. I may do a similar project in the future, but the videos and tutorials for this holiday season are already set. But, if you would like to email me at, I think I do still have a copy of the magazine somewhere and I would be happy to scan the pages and send them back to you.
How do you make the outside circle strong and firm enough to withstand normal wear?
I first wrapped a few strips outside a large glue bottle, adding glue between all the layers. Then once the entire ornament is made, I apply a couple coats of Mod Podge to protect it and give a little strength.
Just ran across your work recently and have been looking for some unique Christmas ornaments for special people in my life. I love this ornament. I am hoping you may still have a copy of the pattern around that you mentioned in an earlier post.
I am making your antique ornaments as a gift for some very special people in my life. I am finding the 3mm hard to come by when trying to have it in a particular color. Thank you for posting the old ornaments how to..
3mm paper can be harder to come by. I actually just posted a video to my YouTube using 3mm strips to make begonias and I added a couple links to places to possibly find that size if you still need some help with that. They can be found in the description box for this video π
As far as the ornaments, I do give a copy of the instructions to anyone who asks. If you can email me at, I’ll be happy to send the instructions back!
Ty Meredith for getting back to me, much appreciated . I have also emailed you back π