Traditional quilling techniques are very often used to create intricate scenes of flowers and plants. Since I am a self-taught quiller and I tend to work in a more modern style (and sometimes I just make up the approachย as I go), but as I grow and expand my shop, I’ve really begun to appreciate the beauty of classic quilling.
Here’s some insight into how I create my new flower bud gift tags.

I just recently starting using a comb in my quilling. ย Since I’m too “thrifty” to buy a real quilling comb, I have a few plastic combs in different sizes that seem to do the trick. ย To use the comb to make these flower buds, I weave the strip of quilling paper over and under the teeth of the comb. ย I start in the middle of the comb and hold one end. ย Then I alternate my loops by hooking the strip around the teeth on either side until I get the number of loops that I want. ย To make the small buds, I use 6 loops.

Once I have the amount of loops that I want for my flower bud, I place a tiny dot of glue on the backside of the comb to stick the long tail to the loops. Then the strip can be pulled right off the comb! ย The long tail can be kept on to wrap around the flower or be removed. ย I take it off because I like to use a complimentary color on the outside to make the flower bud pop a little more.

The inside of the flower bud is finished by securing the small end that I began with onto the loop next door. The loops are bent in the middle and the two longest loops are glued together to make the point of the flower bud.

I like a clean, polished flower, so I like to use another color paper to wrap the outside of the flower. ย I wrap the bud about 4 times.
For a view of the whole process, watch my video here!

I quill teeny flower stems and leaves, then I’m ready to stick everything to my tags! Quilling paper flower buds might seem like a lot of steps, but, like most things, speed comes with practice!

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